New Auckland Council Rodney Ward councillor Greg Sayers is heading to the Puhoi Pub to shout his campaign volunteers a beer after unseating long time Rodney […]
We pay $70 million a year in rates and about another $87 million is collected via fees and development contributions. The transport tax gathers a further $5M […]
Serious health issues from breathing in dust particles originating from unsealed roads may soon be solved for the NorWest’s rural residents. Auckland Transport is undertaking a […]
Kumeu is not ready for the looming growth. We already have appalling traffic congestion. However, this is not the only issue. There are other infrastructure problems […]
Without money for a permanent solution the traffic congestion at the State Highway 1 and Hill Street intersection remains Warkworth’s most contentious issue. Money for improving […]
The City Rail Link, the biggest single transport expense facing Auckland at $2.5 billion, is a huge drain on all other transport projects across Auckland. The […]
An inundation of submissions by locals could produce positive results for a greater share of rates being spent back into Rodney’s road sealing program. That’s the […]
The effect of Auckland Council’s decision to lower maintenance standards within its parks has become noticeable over summer. The sudden appearance of dead brown grass edges […]
Rodney Local Board member, Greg Sayers, says he believes the NorWest district will benefit from Auckland Council’s recent decision to look at alternative sources of financing. […]
Rodney ward representative Greg Sayers would like to restore funding for non-chemical weed control, and is unhappy about the amount of glyphosate that is being used […]
This month’s ‘Viewpoint’ is about you considering your own point of view! With the Mayor and Councillors being in the Press a lot around Auckland’s rate […]