Greg has a strong balance of business, governance and political experience. Here’s how;
Greg has owned and developed a trans-Tasman financial management software company, an organisational cultural change company and has been a business specialist for PricewaterHouse Coopers in leadership training. He has experience with managing budgets and being accountable to stakeholders.
He has gained governance experience acting as the independent Chairman and Director for two other New Zealand exporting companies.
His political experience has been gained having been Rodney’s Councillor for two terms and a previous to that two terms as an elected Local Board member. Greg has become a well seasoned regional Auckland Councillor and civic leader with a proven track record of fighting for, protecting and achieving good results for Rodney.
This range of experience is ideal for balanced decision making and for bringing financial responsibility back into Council.
Greg holds a Bachelor of Science degree and a NZIM management diploma.
Why You Would Seek His Help?
Greg continues to stand up for Rodney to ensure its ratepayers get a “fair go”.
He has proven himself as a strong leader and is unafraid to get “stuck in”.
Greg has a positive working relationship with Mayor Wayne Brown and also with the Rodney Local Board.
He also has constructive working relationships with the Chief Executive of Auckland Council and the Chief Executive of Auckland Transport.
If you need help about any Auckland Council, or Auckland Transport, related issues Greg will be able to help you.
He will be able to steer you in the right direction and to find the appropriate person to assist you.